I had a long innings, appearing for Competitive examinations FROM 1969 to 1973…

In 1969 I appeared for Indian Forest Service Passed the written, went to Delhi .. but could not succeed in viva voce.

In 1970, I passed the written Test for IAS went to Delhi, but could not succeed in the Interview!

In 1971, I again made efforts, result in ditto In 1972/73.. result same..! During all these years, I would partly do Income tax Job, study M.Sc.Ag in bits and starts, but concentrate mostly on competitive exams

Oh ! My goodness! How trying were those years! But, looking back, my dating was elsewhere! I was being prepared only for my “ 2nd Innings ”

In spiritual retrospect, we understand, truly, all the twists and turns in life. I used to go to all the libraries in Hyderabad, during those four years.. and read and read and read! Books! Books! Books! Books! Books! That gave me vast general knowledge and general wisdom! I do thank my elder brother .. Dr.P.K. Venu Vinod for all the support!

~ S. Patri